101 Ways to Happiness Book by Mike Annesley

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    • Photos to lift your spirits
    • Additional suggestions to build on some of the ways given
    • Mindfulness suggestions to impact every area of your life

Sale price$19.00 USD
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Sages have always told us that lasting happiness is a journey rather than a destination. You can build on your experience of joy everyday in small ways. These conscious actions will impact on your overall sense of well-being and accumulate to create happiness. Here respected mindfulness author, Mike Annesley, gives us 101 ways to achieve a sense of contentment in our daily lives. These insights suggest a different way of thinking and living that will open up new pathways for you to explore.

From relationships to your career, you will find ways to improve every aspect of your life. If a suggestion doesn't work for you, there are a hundred other things to try. Enjoy your adventure into a world of happiness.

Product Specifications

  • Photos to lift your spirits
  • Additional suggestions to build on some of the ways given
  • Mindfulness suggestions to impact every area of your life
  • Length : 16 cm
  • Width : 14 cm
  • Height : 2 cm

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